that week started with a stockpile of french cheeses and the phrase "deux swatch watches s'il vous plait." from there we've been circling the arrondissements by storm, catching all the usual suspects (collette; overratted/overpriced hype...Louvre; think: make this painting into a floral arrangement....Eiffle Tower at night; intoxicating...Tuileries, etc.
a few notes on Paris:
- subways continue to blow my mind. it's like the cleanest, neatest place to hang out. every station is wonderfully unique. and each one smells delightful like a plate of deliciously burned s'mores.
- well dressed children. everywhere, as in this is why shit is so civilized here, because the French don't wheel their kids around in SUV strollers, instead they keep them indoors until they can walk. Eric says he saw a woman with a baby in a papoose, but she was in heels, which is pretty impressive. Seriously, I saw some kids yesterday and was actually enamored. I know....
- phenomenal yogurt. the littlest, most delicious yogurts you've ever seen. Pear, lemon, caramel - who needs macarons when you have french yogurt.
yes agree Colette is over ... apparently the new concept store a lot of people are checking out is called - Merci.. and I hear it has a Christian Tortu Flower shop... check it out...
love your sandals Sarah! jeje:))
If you love, or even like Monet, and Berthe Morisot,Musee Marmottan is not to miss. The downstairs is all Monet- breathtaking.
YOU'RE KILLING ME, WOMAN! when you get back i demand a three martini night with all the details you have!
it looks like you guys are having the time of your life. these pictures are getting me through a most difficult week.
I agree, absolutely breathtaking! The long travel is actually worth it. Great pics!
where do you stay when you go to paris? any tips? so beautiful!
i've always tried to decipher that subway aroma. only in paris!
the subway scent is mildly rose like!
yes! finally someone agrees with me about the french yogurt :)
yes, the yogurt in the little terra cotta ramekins!! there's a drawing of a woman stamped into the ramekin.
so so good. sometimes you can find them at the convenience stores....
Brilliant musings on the French and their French children. Was brunching in a particular nook of the borough we live in yesterday- do very much wish they dealt with their children in a similar fashion.
Please oh please, more of your comments re Paris, I'm there next year for my 50th, haven't been for years and any input from a gal who adores beautiful things, art, clothes, food is my kind of kindred spirit! Merci bien!
i love the way you spell eiffle tower. it makes it seem so friendly and domesticated, like a little pet hundreds of feet high. piffle, whiffle, eiffle tower.
there is a great renee clair film called "paris qui dort" in which the eiffel tower sends out a hypnotic ray from its tower tip that puts everyone in paris to sleep except the heroes of the film...
welcome back to brooklyn.
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