As a florist, the best way to recover from a crazy June wedding weekend is to buy yourself something really expensive, but since I'm operating from a mode of fashion self-restraint these days, I opted to maniacally clean my apartment from top to bottom. OK, just the kitchen. OK...just the kitchen floor. Then I walked the dog for, like, 25 miles in Brooklyn since she's been sorta neglected these days. Now I can't really feel my hip flexors. On our walk I stopped to get a manicure on Court Street and I opted for no polish. A NO POLISH MANICURE. How effing mature am I? Right?
I would point and laugh, but I hate nail polish. Don't get me wrong. I use it every once in a while. But every time I do, I am reminded of why I hate it. A mani with no polish? Now you owe yourself a pedi.
A no polish mani is seriously hardcore. I think that means you're a grown-up now.
I always end up choosing a weird color and regretting it for an entire week.
Somehow I always pick the Paris Hilton pink shade (I swear it never looks the same in the bottle as it does on my feet!) & I end up looking ridiculous. I think you're onto something with the au naturale look ESPECIALLY with a mani!
i've done that before. just once. i got giggles from all the women at the salon.
next time you can come with me for paws AND claws (hands & feet). to be truly mature, one must embrace THE CREDO KNIFE. Learn more about it here http://www.countryknives.com/store/dept.asp?dept_id=50204&depth=3 (a knife store in Intercourse, PA!)
And, beautiful pictures too
I imagine a no-polish manicure to be one in which you walk into a nail salon and the entire staff stands up and spends five minutes applauding and complimenting your nails, and then charges you $25. I wonder how much people in New York are willing to pay for a compliment, and how long it will take for purchased flattery to become a boutique industry in the city. New business venture for Saipua?
25 miles? Jeeze. I would have gotten a pedicure after that.
haha, fellow florist here and i too totally feel the need for retail therapy after a stacked June wedding weekend!! AHHHH! too bad i usually have to pass. maybe in december?
no polish is kind of my favorite. i ask them to just buff extra hard. makes em nice and shiny.
Dude, what nail salon on Court lets you bring your dog? I am so going there.
Clear polish is how I roll.
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