im all laid up recovering from a most hectic week. listening to jonathan schwartz in sweats and realizing how lovely it is not to work on a sunday. i'm on my 7th piece of raisin toast. i logged onto myspace. (dare to judge me?) i'm looking at trashy carnage of fashion blogs.

DANG! Love the orange and everything really. We're about to have some amaranth, but I don't know if we have any of that awesome pale green color. And the love-lies-bleeding?!!! Take my breath ahhhwayyyyy---ayahayyyy--hayyayyy.
Your photos are just lovely and what this Seattle girl needed on a grimy, rainy day. The orange & blue pic. ignites a hankering for Fall.
Many thanks for your lovely site!
those peach tones are absolutely delicious.
judge you? heck, i met my husband on myspace!
i have a floral designer friend here. went to her place for dinner last night. she had similar amaranth growing in her yard, along with a copper orange and burgundy variety. gorgeous, and so autumn-y!!
hiya. the closeup colors are intensely subdued. palest of all makes for a serenely striking grouping. makes me wish for more.
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