Friday, March 16, 2012

on dogs


10:42 pm
listening to eric talk to his sister.
he mentions to her that we're planning on getting another dog.
he says "we need another farm dog, a better working dog. but Sarah also wants an old pomeraian, one she can take in a bag to Barneys."
[let the record show that I have been to Barneys about 10 times and have only purchased perfume or lipstick; emotional purchases that come from the dark depths of self pity.]

In all seriousness we do need more dogs: dogs to chase deer, dogs to protect sheep and chickens (to give quick comparison - Nea responds to the command "CHICKEN!" in reference to her tug toy), dogs that sleep outside all night...real dogs. I want a dog that works as hard as we do. That eats as infrequently as we do, that ignores us and that belongs to the farm. Nea can watch, privileged from the sidelines. She'll likely always be an inside-at-night sort of girl. Barney's...a vague figment of our imaginations...


Kat said...

Nothing like a good farm dog. Have you considered a Great Pyranees? Bred to protect livestock and be hardy in the cold. Lots of them end up in rescues because people attempt to keep them in small yards and aren't equipped for their size and independent thinking.
If you do go to a rescue, I'd recommend staying mum about wanting the dog to sleep outside.

ella said...

Working dogs are so... honest. If that makes sense. No fancy parts, just good solid dogness. Our (meaning New Zealand's) working dog favourite is the huntaway, bred here for barking like mad at stock way up in the hills. The (tiny) town they originated even has a statue in their honour. I like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm having the hardest time imagining you and Eric keeping a dog outside all night. Also having a hard time imagining you shopping with a Pom in your purse.

Donkeys make good night watchmen I hear.

count buckula said...

hey sarah. I've got tulips and hyacinth coming up in the backyard, but no deer. only raccoons.

Margaret said...

whatever kind of dog you get next, obviously you should name him Barney.

Unknown said...

Yes, yes to Great Pyrenees! We stayed on an amazing farm for a week this summer, and they had eight of these fabulous dogs. One minute, they're invading our porch and being huge pillows for our kids. The next, they're off chasing away coyotes. I love our pampered pooches, but if I had a farm--I would want half a dozen Great Pyrenees.

Small Stump said...

Yes! More and more dogs! I want an army to greet me when I visit!

Jo said...

Ahhhhh, outside dogs. Smart and independent. Hard working and respectful. Now that we have our very first inside dog, I have to say that I think he has much less respect for us than an outside dog would. As a matter of fact, he thinks he's the damn king up in this joint. Crazy dog.

Nancy said...

Beautifully written! Having grown up on a farm, I feel the same way about dogs. Never had a glamourous pouch, always a real dog.

Sara said...

i have a friend (gardener, farmer, flower essence maker) who has these dogs:

Maremma Sheepdog

here is my friend's blog

she is another flower lover: in MA