been taking most of the month off work. living out of my overnight bag, traveling around and visiting.
every year this happens, summer creeps up on me and I find myself resigning to it. at last. like falling hopelessly backwards into a feather bed.
i feel very fortunate to spend so much time outdoors in the real world. nature; the crazy constant thing we fight against. but to sit in it and maybe to
to start to be pulled under its spell of hypnotic delights
some of which oddly get caught in the web of my mobile phone's instagram
go figure!
Beautiful. Looks like Nea is enjoying it, too. I think we all need more of that time to steep in the beauty of nature.
hi there - just found your blog last week & the beautiful Saipua florist shop (a bit slow, i know!!)- so in love with your blooms - sounds like u r enjoying the summer bliss...we r in winter mode in australia..so am really enjoying your summer pics. thanks for sharing. xxx
So fortunate, indeed! I can't deny that I am envious. However, it is still so refreshing to see such beautiful pictures of such beautiful places... and to know that there is someone out there soaking it up and reveling in the purest and most spectacular form of existence. I hope you continue to enjoy every moment!
Beautiful pics! I really liked your blog.
Camila Faria
beautiful photos. i'm to read what you've discovered about summer. i'm very intrigued.
I just visited a similar place in Connecticut. Is this in Ontario near your mummo's old mokki? Beautiful!
Hope you dont mind some of your pics are on my tumblr...
Have a look.
Love )))
you have instagram account? plz let me know your username;)
Thank you for this post, really worthwhile info.
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