Wednesday, March 16, 2011







California was great, but let me tell you I am effing TIRED and real behind now on work stuff.
It was a whirlwind of a trip, an amazing trip - but a real workout. Traveling flower classes is no joke. Fortunately we only travel to destinations where where there are hot tubs that you can rent by the hour, copious amounts of wine, deep tissue massage, and friends to play you lulaby's on the keyboard from the Tori Amos anthology as you crash on the couch.

We'll get to talking about the three amazing classes over at the LFS blog soon. We met so many people. So many lovely creative people. So many FLOWER people!

We got to spend lots of time with the choos and play with their dogs, universes colliding. How nice to have new friends to plan world flower domination with.

We got to catch up with old friends from college and drink cocktails in backroom bars. Meet all our west coast flower wholesalers in person. Ate at Chez Panisse. Bikerides to the ocean. Oogled the blooming Japanese magnolias in San Fransisco and then watched the horors in Japan unfold on the TV Friday morning at the flower market. (We're trying to put together a benefit class on Sunday April 3rd...more on that as soon as I can find a venue...)

I want to talk more about the coffee. The coffee in California is GOOD. They brew it all cup by cup, serious business, siphons, I'm talking 5 or 6 dollars a cup serious. I had one cup from a place in Oakland called Subrosa and it conjured the old loving feeling of a true caffiene high - the euphoria, the good will, the light giddy-ness I haven't felt since my teens.
Coffee Bar in downtown LA, loved. Cole Coffee in Oakland real good. Blue Bottle - Liked. Intelligensia in Silver Lake pretty good, but a hot guy works there who reminded me of Eric and I liked that.



The Oak Leaves said...

That is my favorite vine! The purple flowers smell like chocolate... Its "Akebia"

Sounds like it was a wonderful trip!

Unknown said...

In your brief absence I realized that I am completely addicted to your blog. Saipua is a drug. Thank you for the hit.

Your California aventure sounds amazing. Hope you get some rest.

Brittany said...

DYING to get to california! it WILL happen...but until then, your pics will suffice nicely. :)

studio choo said...

pw, bernie, and lil' neuw miss their cool brooklyn aunties.

Lisa said...

I agree, I missed your posts so much! Glad to have you back.

eri said...

Awww, Subrosa is a neighborhood favorite of mine. Nice to think that I could have run into you there. :)

I was heartbroken that I didn't make it into the S.F. flower class. You must come back!

Leslie said...

just found your blog via Pintrest and amazingly enough was in San Francisco area the same time as you! I agree on the coffee bit. Had some of the most amazing coffee there, Blue Bottle was fantastic but my favorite was Sight Glass.

brandeye said...

there is a place in philly's chinatown that makes coffee like that, ray's. it's KILLER. so good.

site said...

It can't work as a matter of fact, that is what I consider.