Maybe you know the drill of free flower friday by now? Comment to win flowers delivered tomorrow. I made this arrangement yesterday morning for a delivery, and fell hard for this color combination of burnt orange and lavender. Gonna do the same but better for you if you win...

So much going on here. Most exciting is that yesterday I got to meet the Studio Choo girls; Jill and Alethea. We spent the day eating, comparing notes and trucking around Brooklyn. They are kindered spirits and I feel like I have new friends which is nice...

Also very rad: Nicolette and I are collaborating with the New York Botanical Gardens on some spring classes which I really shouldn't say details about but am just giddy for because they are going to be garden oriented (some of them) and...ok I have to zip that for now....

Eric and I are heading to Canada on Monday to see my Mummo and camp out at the cottage for a few days. Take a sauna everyday and make long trails with Nea. I have a lot of feelings lately, and I guess I am needing some time away to consider some things that have been on my mind...


But right now I'm pretty happy looking at these pictures from yesterday. Why haven't you commented yet? I'll quit rambling so you can get to it...good luck...

it's good to have feelings. and i like the test strip version of the ivy wall. reminds me of huffing photo chemistry in college.
comments ahoy
also, just commenting on having feelings, not trying to win-unless you wanna fly those flowers over to paris. not that i would mind.
would be a good excuse to say hi
yes please!
Love that color combo. I can see why it is so appealing.
soak up some sauna bliss for me and sweat out those feelings nice and proper!!!!!!!!!!!
what a beautiful combination! would love to win!
I live in Indianapolis so I unfortunately cannot be in the running for one of your beautiful arrangements, but wanted to pop in and say I may move to NYC one of these Fridays! I always look forward to your witty comments! Love your style!
After this no-good, super cold week, I would just love to receive a Saipua goodie!
i need some winter cheer.
I love that color combo!
one of these I'm going to win. I just know it.
A perfect complement to another snowstorm
oooh pick me! would looooove some pretty flowers
Pretty pretty please, some pretty flowers for me!
The ivy is beautiful. I am so excited for green things to come back to brooklyn. One of these days I will be the one picked for flowers!!
yes please! i mean, if you insist!
God, your photos are gorgeous. Enjoy your time away.
Your blog always cheers me up when I am down - hope your feelings leave you happier...
I just moved from NYC but would love to win the flowers for my friend who's father recently and suddenly passed away. She is one of the few people I know who would truly appreciate the beauty of your arrangements.
Best, Julie
love the colors!
I need them.
Must be in the signs. I've been having a lot of feelings lately, too. Hope we both get them sorted out.
Good luck to all you Saipua locals. I am jealous. I wish I could win.
I just wanted to tell you that 181.fm hip hop channel is amazing too.
Mmmm, sauna, that will definitely help you with your feelings. Hope I win some flowers for my friends who live in NYC!
Gorgeous! I'd love to win.
Your flowers are so beautiful!
They would make my week.
Those are some hot flowers. I'll take em!
So beautiful.
i love...the shots of the leaves, especially...
Maybe this will be my lucky week. I hope so!
I was so glad to be able to stop by your shop last weekend; it was amazing to step foot into a place that I had only viewed through pictures. The shop is beautiful. Also, the wisteria and lilac candle is out of this world. Seriously awesome.
Thanks Sarah!
Hi - would love to win flowers for my in-laws in Brighton Beach. They so so so deserve it! Enjoy the thinking that comes with visiting a mummo in the woods with a sauna :) Nicole Milman
oh man, I feel it. these would definitely be a bright spot in this dull month of January.
Gorgeous colors! Reminds me that today is finally sunny (not for long though). Have a safe trip!
I would love to win these for my 30th birthday dinner! Flying in from LA for it, and SO excited to take your class on Saturday!
Beautiful. Congrats on the NYBG gig.
so lovely!
These would make my desk look so pretty!
I love that you do this every week. It's such a sweet, random act.
Love, love, as always. I've been fotunate to win before but haven't re-entered in awhile (: these are fantastic
The colors remind me of the landscape paintings from the Hudson River School...artists like Thomas Cole. Really ephemeral and grand. Beautiful!
Garden-related classes?! That's so exciting! Not that I have a garden right now... But there's windowsills and daydreams I suppose. asanderson1 [at] me.com
oh, yes, please!
such lovely colors! I've recently experimented with them as well!
heck yah sauna! if you ever are looking for class suggestions, i would love some window box ideas.
Your surprising arrangements make me want to surprise a Brooklyn poet I know with FFF.
so gorgeous! please, colorful & lively flowers, save me from this dreary Seattle winter!
I spent much more time that is healthy on your blog last night stealing color inspiration for my July wedding. I really really REALLY wish we could afford to have you do our flowers, but alas we have no secret rich uncle leaving us a giant inheritance. At least not yet...anyhoo, my coworkers and I would love a beautiful rust and lavender bouquet to brighten up our Saturday at the office!
ps...i love the blackberries in the top arrangement!
could use some flowers tomorrow to brighten my day as work is bonkers!
I painted my nails with LUCKY LUCKY LAVENDER to fight the gray weather with spring colors :)
long time, no see. sigh...
Oh, feelings... the desire to blurt is so strong. Yesterday was my birthday and despite my best efforts, I couldn't help suggesting to my bf that after two years of dating, maybe he could finally just give me some flowers? He didn't! Oh well. These are beautiful.
your flowers set the standard for all other flowers i see. i love these photos, beautiful fantastic obsessed love.
Dreaming of my wedding bouquet that you did only 3 months ago. Just thinkin' about it makes me teary.
Pick me please!
I live too far away for FFF, but just wanted to say: I love the way you write, Sarah. Your blog makes me so happy. Thank you for it.
beautiful colors!!!
Free flower Friday??!!! Mon dieu! I just discovered your blog, and am dreaming of taking your class this spring or summer. Those sweet peas are T.D.F!! BTW - would love to win F cubed!
So pretty!!
Love the blackberries!
ooo, i LOVE the berries in that arrangement.
taking time off and away is good. time out to think is something you have to force into your schedule, which is something that i'm trying to get into my thick head. slowly but surely....
Beautiful arrangement and color combination. These would make me so happy!
Beautiful arrangement and color combination. These would make me so happy!
for a friend. thanks.
Oh, please!
pretty please pick me!
A haiku for that arrangement:
Whisp of lavender
Celedon, jade, vermillion
bursts as I fall
I absolutely love the burnt orange and lavender combination! I have a close friend in Brooklyn who could definitely use some beautiful flowers to cheer her up from her winter doldrums.
i like your feelings and i like your flowers. this comment is for erie basin. good luck erin basin!
beautiful. like my wife.
Sarah, your lavender and burnt orange satisfy some deep winter craving in me (and a nostalgia for NYC). wish you could send them to Vancouver! I interviewed for a part-time gig at a florist here who is in love with your blog. it's a small world :)
like the divalicious 90's group En Vogue said, "I'm giving him something he can feel, to let him know his love is real." Now a girl can give herself the same feeling with your beautiful flower arrangements.
Pick me! Pick me! Your words and photographs are so gorgeous, thank you for taking the time to blog. Also thank you for doing something a rad as this. My boyfriend and I have been sick and miserable for weeks and I think your arrangement might just be the cure.
I'm making my usual Thursday appearance. Here's to hoping for flowers and a permanent end to my temping gig tomorrow!
such a lovely combination.
I think giving my wife a Saipua bouquet would keep me in her good graces!!
Me me me meeee!
Love your shop! Fingers crossed!
love the blackberries in that arrangement.
crossing fingers to win it.
i could use these babies, it's been one heck of a week!
Feelings can be inconvenient. Long walks are helpful. So are vacations. Take care of yourself so you can keep filling my life with beauty blog-style!
sweet jesus I'd love some flowers!
the photo editing makes the flowers arrangement more alive.
maybe some flowers for my sister, working hard in brooklyn while i travel the world.
Be still my heart! Your work is glorious and would be so lovely on my daughters park slope coffee table!
flowers make me happy!
I was having feelings. I have a lovely life in San Francisco, but it wasn't enough to shake the is this it? thoughts. My pondering led to an auspicious whim, that led to a job in Mendoza, Argentina. I leave in 6 weeks. The unsettled feelings are gone- replaced by pure exhilaration. Good luck at deciphering your thoughts. Don't ignore them. I hope something extraordinary comes of out it. Your style and palette are gorgeous.
Gorgeous! Are those peonies??
How fragile and delicate - it feels like a real feeling.
made me smile even without winning. thanks
hullo there! sadly, i don't live in new york but want to enter for my sister isabel who lives in brooklyn - she could use a little flower love!
This color palette is to die for. It is like blackberry yogurt ice cream with a Chai tea. Yum!
I think the combination of burnt orange and lavender are simply amazing! The flowers are all fantastic! You definitely arranged them beautifully. :)
Maybe my other favorite flower people (Studio Choo) could drop the arrangement by my house in California on their way beck to SF.
Hmmm? Maybe.
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Oh, I could use some beautiful color and scent in my life. Every time I pass pretty flowers that are inexpensive enough to purchase, I'm nowhere near home or work to put them in a vase, and when I am near home or work, they're too expensive. I will take good care of a beautiful bouquet - the colors you're showing are stunning!
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