Thursday, January 13, 2011

free flowers for friday




Leave a comment to win a free flower arrangement delivered to you in Manhattan or Brooklyn tomorrow.
Eric - ever the stickler for details - would like me to tell you that the flowers pictured above are not an exact representation of what the giveaway arrangement will look like. But trust it'll look good. Better than good in fact.


pacificspecific said...

me, please!

roni said...

beautiful flowers for my hardworking husband. yes, please!

Maggie said...

this is awesome! can i sign up to have them sent to a dear friend?

jezebel said...

here i am

Unknown said...

an arrangement from Saipua...what a perfect housewarming gift for the friends I'm visiting this weekend!

Unknown said...

I would be honored.

nellie said...

How awesome! I would take any Saipua arrangement... they're all beautiful.


ah, lovely! an almost-weekend present!

sofia.romps said...

me please!

Jessica (Goodbye, Small Heart) said...

Hoping to win this for some friends who live in NYC!

Perri said...

Pretty please! Would make my week!

Helen said...

So nice :)

Anonymous said...

pretty please with sugar on top!

jenna said...

so beautiful

Unknown said...

just what i need to brighten up a cold, january weekend!

erica said...

flowers for a friend, please!

laurenheartswilliam said...

yes, please! beautiful flowers as always!

Sarah said...

as always, I'm hoping this will be my lucky week!

Anna/Quilted Giraffe said...

pick me, pick me!!

Le said...

I do so love that you do this every week.

Lisa said...

Throwing my hat in the ring. Thanks, Sarah!

gloriousday said...

i love dogwood flowers... you guys rock.

jenna@sweetfineday said...

oooh,maybe it will be meeeee.

Caitlin said...

I always leave a comment for my friend, Jennie, who lives in Brooklyn. I'm up in Cambridge, but one can live vicariously through a good, old friend.

Vane said...

i've signed up almost every time you've done this, i figure i've got to win at some point, right?

Victoria said...

fingers crossed!

~My Fleur Journey~ said...

For my good friend who lives in Brooklyn and who recently carried half a suitcase of floral supplies all the way from New York to Hong Kong for me!

Jemanda said...


Jen said...

I would so love a flower arrangement. I'm in the midst of redoing my apartment so this would definitely spruce it up in the interim!

Laura said...

beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. my wedding's in nashville but i wish it were at home here where i am, even if just because i'd be able to get flowers from you.

Lesterhead said...

Me me me me!

Lele said...

Oh my goodness! Me please! For lovely beginning to a cold weekend! Thank you for the offer!

Madeleine said...

I'd be tickled pink!

Carrie said...

I'd love to embarrass my boyfriend in his office tomorrow.

Li said...

Oh my goodness how I wish you were in Boston!

Laura said...

Oh I would be honored and it would brighten up my day!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to make it through these cold winter days!

Unknown said...

Free flowers? Yes please!

sam said...

nothing you guys do could be bad...would love to win this week!

Danielle said...

This would make my week.
Fresh Flowers to enjoy over the weekend are so very lovely.

Michael Galpert said...

<3 this. is it weird that i live by myself and kinda want flowers in my apt.

El said...

I'd love any flowers :D

Juice Box said...

Oh, how fantastic! Yes please!

Candace Ang said...

I love you guys! You are the best - I always recommend people to get their arrangements from you xoxoxo Candace

Unknown said...


sean said...

boyfriends's flying in from cali. sunday. would love to suprise him at the airport with a saipua arrangement,

Michelle said...

ok, this is my week, i know it

spank bank said...

After a week from hell (emergency dental surgery, anyone?) these would surely have my week end on a high point!

jennie said...

i'm sure they'll be great!

Unknown said...

gorgeous flowers, yes please!!

robin said...

oooh! fingers crossed and croissanted!

Stacey said...

I haven't had a solid night's sleep in weeks and I know a flower delivery would give me the zest I need to get through tomorrow! Hooray!

animala said...

My best friend lives in Williamsburg.

Laura said...

so beautiful ! <3 <3 <3

joy said...

love the photo of the wooden spools!

Unknown said...

Flowers from Saipua would make my month!

Unknown said...

Ohh la la! Yes puhleeze.

Anonymous said...


pkj said...

finger's crossed!

tuba said...

can't you take a trip to deliver to me in Australia?!

Danielle said...

absolutely, so great!

Unknown said...

Oh, Pleese???

g. said...

for a friend!
thank you. this is a kind thing that you are doing.

Anonymous said...

I'm in on the flower acyion

Laura said...

This would make the end of a hard two weeks very sweet. said...

i have my fingers crossed!!

Unknown said...

It's my birthday on Wednesday! Maybe luck is an-almost-24-year-old lady?