I crawled out of bed tonight for a late bachelors supper of toast* and wine around 10pm. My book is getting good and I came home after the longest day, took a hot shower, and retreated to bed to read. This never happens, and it was actually rather nice. Sweatpants; who knew?
Up now with strange energy, I am trolling the internet, desperate for some entertainment. At this point little can top the patty-caking kittens on youtube. The bar has clearly been set. I revert to answering emails.
Trying to find some photos for a client, I got lost in a wistful perusal of unedited Iceland pictures from September. Unedited meaning there are 3000 of them. I'd like to write more about that trip sometime. For now it's better left encapsulated in the confines of my iphoto.
I did find these (and lots of other pictures of sheep). The top photo reminds me of me and my mookie. We're in a big fight right now, but I still love him. On good days it's us against the world.
*my friend Jenna has brought to me a loaf of rosemary bread from the promise land. (OK, Buffalo) And it is the most ridiculous thing, toasted with butter and a dab of my mothers tomato jam. You're like loosing it right now just thinking about it, right? Well this loaf is almost done, finito, toast (ah, intended?) and I almost cried tonight about it. I considered emailing her mother in Buffalo and asking her to barter this bread for soap, an elaborate UPS trade criss-crossing NY state - a sort of honest fishes and loaves sort of scheme transpiring, (except with soap, not fishes obviously) the film cuts to quick cut footage of artisans making bread, soap, the line of travel dis-dashed on the whimsically drawn cartoon map...
good late night laugh b-4 bed. pictures, lovely. make it up with the mookie.
you should know that the proposed trade would excite my mother endlessly... and i might have a spare loaf frozen if you'd like a few slices to get you thru.
i just adore you. i really do.
love this one. feel better doll. xo
these photos are AMAZEBALLS
you make me miss my mother...
just stunnnning. stun. ing. what did camera/lens did use to shoot these little icelandic sheepses?
also, just fyi, the desert folk of joshua tree are still smelling wondrous like cardamom and grapefruit and lavender thanks to the amazing chantale at mt. fuji general store and her obsession with saipua soap.
the only problem is that me and the huz, we recently moved to india, and there is a serious lack of saipua here. please advise.
I thought your post said "better in paris". TRUE DAT.
Hi, found you through ESB,
Really beautiful photos of Iceland, would love to see more! I love mist, it's my favourite kind of weather, and I'd love to go to Iceland :)
These photos a drop dead gorgeous. You should don sweat pants more often.
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