A new vetiver soap coming soon, and my own arrangement from our Wildflowers class yesterday at Little Flower School. I am leaving you with these two things while I ship off to Iceland...It's been crazy right till the end getting ready for this trip. Nicolette and I are holed up at Logan Airport still writing estimates while we wait to board.
I wonder what it will be like there! I will certainly try to keep you posted..
have fun sarah!!! i'm effing jealous.
Iceland!!!! That is great. Have a fantastic time. Say hi to Bjork for me. Or doesn't she live in Chelsea now?
have a great trip you two!
have a fun time on your amazing trip and thanks for sharing the new soap and the lovely wildflowers
Take good care of Nicolette, we'll miss her around here!
oh thank you so much for the vetiver soap. vetiver is my favorite. hands down and ive been looking for a high quality formulation to buy online for awhile. cant wait to smell the blend
Seriously gorgeous arrangement. Excited to see more of Iceland...
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