i used to work with some amazing art handlers that were older, wiser, and much more worldy that I...andrew and pedro. one day we were eating pate or something for lunch.
andrew, having spent a lot of time in france was talking about eating cheese with butter. my eyes widened and i swallowed hard. cheese AND butter. together. it was like waking up from a deep sleep.
oh yes! cheese and butter. also in england and with juicy sweet little tomatoes. or something called branston pickle which is really a sort of chutney.
the radishes with butter though, the french do it and i've tried it often, but i've never been convinced. what did you think?
Cheese with butter is a little much for me, but raddishes, that's a different story. Love that combo. I like my cheese with a fresh baguette or preserves, yum.
.. its also normal in Switzerland to eat cheese and butter.. have a great day.. tata Christa
Cheese and butter. My heart is in pain just thinking about it. Sounds dangerous. But maybe the wine negates it! What do you think?
radishes with butter, butter with cheese, cheese with bread, bread with wine. i could live in these photos!
oh yes! cheese and butter. also in england and with juicy sweet little tomatoes. or something called branston pickle which is really a sort of chutney.
the radishes with butter though, the french do it and i've tried it often, but i've never been convinced. what did you think?
For reals, it's like the best thing ever.
SO glad you are feeling it.
come on...your father does that all the time....:-))
May I also suggest butter and nutella on a baguette. Just when you think life can't get any better (or shorter!), there is that glorious combination.
Sounds like a "fromages a trois". Oh the debauch and sin of New Orleans...
Cheese with butter is a little much for me, but raddishes, that's a different story. Love that combo. I like my cheese with a fresh baguette or preserves, yum.
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