[earlier today. tear stained cheeks. jumping up and down, throwing a fit. sarah whines to eric...]
But we all know that whining gets little accomplished - plus it's so unattractive. And so it is with great pleasure and strange relief that I pronounce this week PARIS WEEK for Team Saipua. We can all go! What shall we do first? Want to have lunch by the Seine? It may be before noon here, but in Paris it's 4pm so we can drink a bottle of wine. La vie est bonne, non?

i want to REALLY go to paris.
i'm f&$%#ing serious.
Yay! I've never been to Paris. Thanks for taking me along.
ohhhhh.."Paris week for team saipua",..it's sounds great!!
I want it fot team Bornay also!
Sarah, I REALLY LOVE tour shoes!!!)))
and also really like the first photo, très bonne!
jouit l'enchantement de cette belle ville!
So. Jealous. Of both the trip and those shoes.
whoa. I need those yellow shoes in my life!
I had a real live week in Paris just a few weeks ago. Sigh. Vraiment.
Proof positive:
Do you think one can run a small biz from across the seas? Just for one year. Srsly.
get ready one day for Bulgaria! hm? -_^
Awwwwwwww I need your shoes!!
May I ask where is it from??
I would like to see more of your style! I love your taste!!!
plus, just look at those effing shoes.
seriously. so glad the tantrum was short-lived and mollified by a bottle of seine-side wine.
Paris, je t'aime. Would be lovely to be there now.
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