It's basically been the best
week of my life.
My other boyfriend Aaron (
don't you miss
him?) came
back to town.
My best friend got married and
so I
got to make a bouquet for
myself to hold as
maid of honor. I
also got the sickest reverse
french manicure,
which I have
documented here for
Its as if I
dipped my nails in
Now I'm in Paris.
As I type
this there is a
bottle of 6 Euro
wine chilling and
the smell of authentically french Pho wafting through the window.
It's a business trip (
eric and I are
hitting the pavement for
packaging materials in
preparation for
the impending Saipua package redesign)
so I'll be reporting most of the week...
business trip, my hiney. you lucky girl. have fun! keep us posted.
What a fabulous life you lead my poor dear!Im green with envy!
In Paris now?...I would like to be there also! I have recognized it seeing the beautiful window's photos.
Nice manicure and lovely ring! :))
french Pho!? Mmm...
Have fun on your trip!
Lucky, lucky Girl.
oh, good for you!! it's nice to hear about someone having "the best week." i hope your paris time is oo la la.
i'm jealous... mostly of that manicure, and that ring!! my hands and nails are such a disaster this time of year.
oh yea, paris sounds nice too ;) have a great time!
Bonsoir, Sarah! Your best friend looks beautiful in that gown! And Aaron? Well, he (as always) looks GAH-geous!
Pick up some Chanel No. 5 while you're there, kay? Got to love the Coco...
Oh my goodness - Paris!!! YOu lucky ducky - sounds like a perfect week. I want to change places.
:) Suzi
Hi! I love your blog!! It's a little oasis. it's the first visit I make before my day can start. Your colours and flowers are so ethereal. It just takes me to a different world. thanks!
typically, i just go for the full on deep red nails. i figure why mess with a good thing. but you may have inspired me to think outside of the cuticle.
A new store that is sick as all heck and now a trip to Paris... mind if I envy you for a moment.
achingly jealous - can't wait to live vicariously : )
don't forget to go to Odorantes.
so that's the best french manicure in the world. period.
That sounds like such an awesome trip, and I love your nails!
cool nails. tell jen i said congrats!
Sara, I'm obsessed with your ring (and the manicure) but specifically your ring. Can you tell me anything about it????
How fun!
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