I took Nea for a late post-election stroll down to the waterfront on Tuesday night. feeling unusually generous, I let her walk off leash down the length of the pier while I admired the statue of liberty in my rush of new-found patriotism. then I looked up to see my dog rolling in a dead fish carcass. to say the dog rolled in the fish is not really accurate. this was more of a choreographed endeavor; in which she flipped backwards onto to the fish, shimmied around on it in a frenzied trance, and then repeated the cycle several times before I could stop her.
To say your dog rolling in dead fish is a buzz kill is an understatement. Fortunately Nea responds to the command "I'm not f@#*ing around here!" and we marched home straight to the bath. Friends, (and please know this is hard for me to say)...I used Doctor Bronner's on my dog. Despite the fact that we make and tout a fantastic dog soap. Guilty as charged, I use the Doctor every day. On my hair. For my delicate laundry. In my insecticidal spray. In my pancake batter.
I came out from the bathroom when it was over and done with to find Eric puzzling over a fish tale neatly deposited by the door.
This could be a bit more than 'light' treason....
Dog Soap Maker
(formerly known as Mom)
hey. i popped over from 36 shea. i couldn't help but laugh after reading this post! quite hilarious.
And here I thought you were using some kind of alien flashlight - I guess it all depends on your perspective.
pee wee also enjoys a good choreographed roll in dead fish.i look forward to trying out that new soap!
My dog loves doing the same, her favorite thing to do is to come home stinking up the heavens. *shudder*
I use Dr. Bronner's on everything too (dog included) - but would gladly convert to your dog soap! When will it be available on the Saipua website (or maybe I missed it)? Thanks!
This situation is much too familiar to me, unfortunately. Instead of fish heads, though, I get possum carcasses.
ye'll walk de plank for yer treeeason
i let my cat into our teeny backyard when i am out there doing photos, etc, and she starts pushing the limits of how far out of the area she can go and responds to... "seriously! peeps...(that is her name) seriously!" she drops on the ground and rolls around kicking her feet in the air to express her cuteness. it works, too. i am such a sucker. if she rolled in rotten stuff like dogs do....not cool.
i love almond dr.bronner's. my skin is so sensitive and it doesn't do me harm. it says you can clean your dentures in it, too.
in with cream and parmesean last night a laผลบอล Martha's advice. It twas...merely OK. I'm thinking about moving upstate to open a restaurant lateแทงบอลly...fantasizing is more like it...and this winter I will be honing my cooking skilllz in order to prepare.
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