Thursday, December 13, 2007

OK, so we did decide on a place to go to eat last night (thank god, because there is nothing worse than a cranky cook) -- Black Mountain, my new favorite neighborhood jam. (It's on the corner of Hoyt and Union.) The food there is simple, inexpensive and really really just perfect. Their chutney (served with a pressed sandwich of mortadella and polish bacon) is literally the best I've ever tasted. The cheeses are also quite nice, last night I tasted an excellent sheep cheese from Lyon - Brebirousse D’Argental.

Today I tramped around in the rain on Smith delivering flowers and trying to find something special for myself ... for Christmas, if you will. No luck.

Watched White Diamond last night - a sweet little documentary by Werner Herzog about Graham Dorrington an aviator who builds an airship to explore the Guyanese canopy. I fell asleep. OH, but a really excellent film we watched recently was Interiors (Woody Allen). I can't stop thinking about the characters in this film, many of them quite hopeless. The scene at the end where the mother appears in the sleeping house - you know it? So incredible. Altogether it is so very beautifully crafted -- the color palette is especially striking; you rarely see anything outside the realm of gray.

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